قصة نجوم صغار... بقلم سيف منير / البصرة
نشر منذ Aug 18 20 am31 11:47 AM - عدد المشاهدات : 530

البصرة / المرسى نيوز / سهاد عبد الرزاق

سيف منير طالب في الصف الثالث المتوسط مولع باللغة الانكليزية يجيدها تحدثا وكتابة. هذه المحاولة الأولى له في كتابة القصة القصيرة باللغة الانكليزية ننشرها لكم دون تنقيح ونرجو لكم قراءة ممتعة..


A story written by Saif Munair

This story speaks about a girl who wants to write a story to participate in an event for talents, but her imagination does not help her, so she goes to walk in the woods near her house, and there are strange things she encounters, and she fainted, and when she wakes up, she finds herself in a dream, but she does not know that and that is her first dream and there is  Beginning to open her imagination, then find a boy in the same dream meets a coincidence and begins the dream ,that I did not think about yet and when she wakes up you realize that this was a dream and she returns to her home and begins to write her own story and when she goes to the event she finds the same boy in the event well so that  Neither of them won, but here was the beginning of a new friendship


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